torsdag 9 juni 2011

Going international!

I figured i should change the language from decent swedish to a some what less decent english, just in case someone outside the borders are reading. Bear with me! So no pics this post, only a language switching declaration. Ok a few pics as well. I remembered I havent shown any progress from when I took a brief concept art course in february. Never tried that before, it was a fun experiment.

Ok, here's my hero! Vlad. Everyone had the same backstory and characters to proceed from. I wont give you the whole backstory but it was really unoriginal 1984 big brother sees you kind of stuff. He is wearing a body camouflage suit, which is a modification of his work clothes(bio-tech engineer). It's supposed to change color after environment. A coupla days ago i finished MGS4 for the first time, the only metal gear i've played, and Snake got a camo suit just like the one i figured out (totally un-knowing of it existing)! Anyways..

Heres my prop assignment. A pare of goggles. See, i know how to spell goggles!

And here are the thumbs we had to do for our characters. I even did the small scribbles that you see real concept artist do. Boy did i feel like a pro!